Success and Onwards

Published: Sun, 10/17/21


Dear Friends,

The 2021 season at Feathered Pipe has come to a close. It was a magical summer on many levels. While dealing with moving through the intensities of losing my mother, Feathered Pipe founder India Supera, and facing prolonged pandemic anxieties, we put our collective energy into improving every aspect of the Ranch experience making it an incredible restart and revival.

Over 400 guests came to learn, decompress, and be part of this awesome community. Together we enjoyed heart-to-heart conversations, prepared-with-love food, and musical performances, amidst the well-tended spaces, the outdoor nature deck, and forest.

We redoubled our commitment to sustainable food sources and estimate that we served up 95% Organically Grown and 75% Montana-grown food! Perhaps the coolest thing though was the atmosphere and staff. It's the welcoming friendly environment that fills the soul. With love and dedication to continuing the Feathered Pipe legacy, many second and third generation people came to work, teach, and share their many talents at the Ranch. (More stories to come about the next generations of Feathered Pipe. They deserve their own newsletter.) All in all, I'd call it a success!

Onward towards 2022

Did you miss it in 2021 or can't wait to come back and do it again? You are in luck because just as we shut down the Ranch for its seasonal hibernation, we are simultaneously gearing up for 2022. We are excited to open up registrations for our main season workshops now. (The full season will be available within the next month.)

Click here to view Feathered Pipe's 2022 Main Season Retreats

I don't know about you, but I always love to have my next trip—especially with friends—in the horizon. It's something fun to dream about to help make it through dreary days. So why not put it on your calendar too and we'll meet you there.

Looking forward to seeing you all again.

With gratitude,
Crystal Water
Executive Director of the Feathered Pipe Foundation

The Dandelion Effect - "Best of Season One" Episode

This is the "Best Of Season One” episode, a taster to hear pieces of all 22 episodes and invite you to go back and visit the ones that you missed over the last year.

These conversations explore a range of topics including post traumatic growth and healing, music therapy, food systems and soil, refugee resettlement, mental health and suicide prevention, nonviolent communication, transgender healthcare, cultural preservation and so much more. Please enjoy the different voices you hear and the stories that are told.


Embracing The Fickle Fates (Or, There Is No Off Season At Feathered Pipe) – Anne Jablonski

Those of us who have been embedded in the work of the Feathered Pipe for more than a few years become intimately familiar with the seasonality of its operations. Back in the old days of the early 2000s, when I came to the Ranch in summer as a guest, if I thought about it at all, I assumed that once the summer season was over, everyone retreated to their regular life until late spring. I didn’t appreciate just how much work and planning happens behind the scenes 365 days a year. May I share a glimpse?


2022 Feathered Pipe Retreats & Travel
Corporate/Group Rentals
Feathered Pipe Seva Yoga
Feathered Pipe
Feathered Pipe
Feathered Pipe
Feathered Pipe

Contact Us
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.O. Box 1682
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 442-8196