Dearest Friends,
We here at the Feathered Pipe, and most importantly India herself, want to express our deepest gratitude for the ongoing outpouring of love and encouragement to and for India. India continues to struggle with her health but is surrounded by loving family. She is incredibly clear-minded and at peace amidst it all. The
greatest difficulty at this time being balancing the needs of those who want to see India with her need for rest and silence.
That we are having such a wonderful season at the Ranch has been the greatest blessing of all, as it has taken so much stress off India and everyone here at the Ranch and Foundation. It has allowed her to focus on herself, family, and being with where she is really at, and as well, allowed us to serve you all fully while doing our best to be with our own feelings. We owe it all to you.
To all those who have stayed with us through the years, on this wonderful journey of miracles and crazy wisdom, we want to reach out to you each and say, "Thank you." Thank you for still believing, that in the midst of a world that seems trying to convince us that they is no place in this world for living by Heart, that there is! Your presence, your support, and your love, affirms,
beyond even the slightest of a doubt, that our efforts have been of value.
Judith Hanson Lasater, who was part of the original core group at the Ranch and led our first retreat back in 1975, is here presently with a wonderfully diverse and joy-filled group. Appropriately, she and her daughter Lizzie who grew up spending summer at the Ranch with India's daughter Crystal, will be holding space next week.
Please enjoy these loving words from Judith. Thank you, Judith, for all the years!
India Supera is a force of nature. I have seen her create miracles of time, people to help with projects, and money out of thin air in order to manifest her dreams about the Feathered Pipe Ranch and the people it serves.
We have been a sisters-on-the-path since 1975 when we presented the first workshop ever given at the “Pipe”.
Put simply, I love India, and my life has been better because she is in it.
Jai! Judith Hanson Lasater