Letter from India: Focusing on the Possibilities

Published: Sat, 08/17/19


Dear Ones,

Thank you for all of your prayers this last month. Jane’s cabin has been filled with the most beautiful flowers and cards, layering up on the mantel and bringing light into the room.

I’m reading the book Radical Remission, and I can’t help but remember the many spontaneous healings I’ve seen happen at the Ranch. One was so funky and wonderful—a 25-year-old woman with terminal cancer who traveled everywhere with her goats (in those days anything went). She heard about us and hitchhiked with her goats to the Ranch in hopes of doing a sweat lodge to aid in her healing.

The girl showed us her scan results then did the sweat, had lunch and hopped into a U-haul with her animals and went on her way. A couple months later, she wrote me a letter from an ashram in California: She had gone back to the doctor and her cancer was gone. She swore it was from the sweat—and I believe that too.

Another memorable healing was with a couple from Norway. They wrote to us and wanted to come in the middle of winter to do a sweat with Pat Kennedy, to help the wife heal from cancer. Even though they were from Norway, they got too cold in the middle of the night and left early.

Pat said we still had to do the ceremony because their imprint was here. So the next day, Pat conducted the sweat in their honor, and we heard from the couple shortly after they returned home: The woman’s cancer had disappeared.

I believe in spontaneous remission because of all the miracles I’ve seen happen here. People really have more power than they know, especially when we come together for healing.

I don’t know how much time I have, but I do know that I want the Feathered Pipe to be a strong organization that continues to help people when they need it.

I want to make sure the Feathered Pipe Scholarship Fund stays full for a long time, and I’d also like to see more innovative seva programs like Veteran’s Yoga Project and the work we did with the HIV/AIDS organizations. All of the workshops at the Ranch truly change people’s lives—then they go out and change the world.

Let’s focus on the possibilities, not for me, but for the future of the Ranch and all the people that it has yet to touch.

As Ever,

*As dictated to Andy Vantrease

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