Dearest Friends,
Happy Holidays from the Feathered Pipe! May this time be one of heartfelt communion with others and nurturing self-care. Many Native American tribes hold this time of year special for gathering together, sharing stories and prayer-filled ceremony, song and dance. May we in our own way celebrate what holds us together as community and set our intention toward manifesting more light, more peace, more kindness and love.
It has been quite the year of setting intentions through action here at the Ranch. We aspire to continue to build upon what India, Laughing Water, Tom, Heidi and all those other “Hippies at the end of the Gulch” started back in the early seventies with little more than a dream. Your ever-growing interest in our retreat programs, generous support of our social ‘good works’
projects, and enthusiastic spreading the word about the magic on the Feathered Pipe affirm that our heartfelt efforts are of value and that there is a real need for the Ranch as a place of refuge for mind, body and heart in today’s world.
Our New Website is Live!
Coming away from the Winter Solstice and heading towards the warmth and light of summer, we are so happy to announce the next step forward on this wondrous adventure. Our hope is that our new website's improved design and functionality will make it much easier to find the information you are seeking. Stories from this long and strange journey, recipes from our Feathered Pipe Kitchen, and words
of wisdom from our diversely rich community of teachers will be published on an ongoing basis to inspire you within your day-to-day life and share in the magic of the Pipe year round.
The improvement in registration and donation process is the most apparent and important change. We have streamlined and simplified the process to make your online experience as secure, easy, and stress-free as possible. Ongoing donation options with monthly levels that are manageable for any and all that desire to support the Feathered Pipe’s mission are also now available.
Supporting Our Veterans
We are still hopeful of raising the necessary $17,000 by the end of the year in order to have a solid base of support upon which we and the Veterans Yoga Project may
fundraise for a second 4-day program (one for male veterans and one for females). Even a meager $25 a month goes a long way towards supporting a veteran's participation in one of our 4-day healing retreats with the Veterans Yoga Project. A little over $50 a month per one year will cover the cost outright for one veteran to attend!
A matching-fund pledge of $10,000 has been announced by India and Laughing Water for those who would like to help support our Feathered Pipe Scholarship Fund. This homegrown 'good works' program assists those with the desire to attend a retreat program but who may not have the financial means. More than a couple well-known names in the
field of yoga, health and wellness have come through this program over the years. And, by the way, premiums are still available for any and all donations (one-time and ongoing) supporting any of our seva yoga projects!
Everyone here at the Feathered Pipe wishes you and your family a healthful and joy-filled New Year, and invites you to continue walking the path with us towards manifesting a world that better serves and honors life and community worldwide.
Faith & Effort,
Eric D Myers
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.S. As always, another wonderful way to support our mission is to register for a Summer 2019 retreat. Some programs are already filling so better to get in early. Hope to see you at the Ranch!
How Your Breath Affects Your Nervous System – Baxter Bell, MD
It turns out the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that connects brain to body is a two-way street. If I am anxious and nervous or stressed out by events in my life or simply the thoughts about those events, my brain, via the nerves of the ANS, will likely turn on the Sympathetic part of that system (the Fight or Flight response)...
But the cool thing is that the lungs and heart can feed back to the brain and essentially convince the brain that things are calm and peaceful, even when there are still stressful circumstances.
Visionary: William “Golden” Staniger
We were living in San Francisco and had planned to get a place in Arizona to do a summer workshop. We decided one day to go and listen to Dr. Chaudhuri of the Institute for Asian Studies speak at a nearby church in Pacific Heights, San Francisco. We were sitting on the front porch steps of the church after the lectures, when William Staniger, later Golden, recognized me from our time in India together. On the steps of that church William
came over and said, “Hi. Aren’t you India Supera? We met at Sai Baba’s.” And that was the beginning of all the work we did.

Contact Us |
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.O. Box 1682
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 442-8196