Hope's Greatest Gift

Published: Sat, 09/22/18


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Dear Feathered Pipe Friends,

I just returned from the Ranch and a quiet, leisurely walk up to the stupa in the ease and warmth of this sky-blue and aspen-gold, autumn afternoon with long-time Feathered Pipe friend and founder of the Veterans Yoga Project Dr. Daniel J Libby. Dan pretty much grew up at the Ranch, shuttling people back and forth from the airport, doing massage therapy and offering to help out wherever he could. He like I, owe so much of what really grounded us in goodness, smoothed off our rougher edges and somehow got us through our darker days, to the Ranch and the community of humble souls who know how precious and rare this 'beacon in the night' truly is. As one of this year's guests said, "I often wonder when people say ‘magical’ - what does that mean. I now know. It is that feeling you can’t really describe - it is special- it communicates with your soul."

Truly this summer was magical! I am in awe of how vital and at peace the Ranch fells, how resilient and strong, and maybe even how nourished the land and nature that surrounds seems after such a high energy summer season of activity. We have not seen so many new faces from all over our wondrous planet -- Australia, South America, Abu Dhabi, Europe, Japan, Canada and from so many diverse communities in America -- in many, many years. After a long winter-like hibernation the Ranch and the Feathered Pipe is experiencing renewed relevance as an oasis for those desiring quiet and stillness, and seeking their own internal compass.

Healing Our Communities & World

Dan mused as we wandered, about his dream of bringing veterans from all over the country to the quiet refuge of the Ranch's autumn grandeur for respite and recovery, to empower them with tools and skills to put into practice at home during the the winter months, and then welcome them back in the spring to see what seeds have taken root and sprouted. I smiled and said, I believe that is a dream we can manifest...heart, effort and faith.

Veterans Yoga Project currently is holding their leadership summit at the Feathered Pipe -- a time to commune and practice, and to dream and plan for the future. We are holding space next week for 25 Montana women veterans. Through the kind and generous donations from individuals, organizations and business right here in Montana and throughout the country, we will be offering opportunity for these women to breathe deep and find their center. For those of you that believe as strongly as we do that peace in the world comes from healing and finding peace within ourselves and our communities, we ask that you would consider sponsorship of a veteran during this free, four-day healing program. For those of you who are yoga teachers or own studios, we ask that you would consider signing up to offer community benefit classes during Veterans Gratitude Week, November 2 - 12.

From Our Heart to Yours

All of us here at the Feathered Pipe want to thank and express our deepest gratitude to each and everyone of you who has made the journey back to 'The Pipe' year after year, to each of you that heard a quiet voice and took the "good chance," as Howard would say, to make your first pilgrimage to the middle of Montana, to all of you who have offered such generous financial support throughout the years. We all take a deep bow to you and celebratory jump for joy that our community and communal heart just grew a thousand-fold.

Possibly hope's greatest gift is not the dream realized, but in reality, the strength, humble perseverance and mindful presence discovered within the journey.

Gratitude & Faith,
Eric D Myers
Feathered Pipe Foundation

The Last Pilgrimage: Into the Light - VJ Supera

There is a mountain in western Tibet that stands alone in all its sacred glory. The Hindus call it Mt. Kailas. The Tibetans call it Kang Rinpoche, “the precious one of ice.” This mountain represents The Almighty in concrete form, and man in his impermanence. Its perpetually snow-clad peak rises 22,028 ft into the air. People do not climb this mountain for that would show disrespect and anger the gods who dwell there.


TCEF 2018 Bollywood Night Fundraiser, Helena Civic Center, October 6, 7 - Midnight

Tibetan Children's Education Foundation’s 2018 annual fundraiser will be a celebration of Bollywood – especially Bollywood music and dancing!!! We’re planning to put some FUN into our Fundraising with great food, music and dancing – all Bollywood style.


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Contact Us
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.O. Box 1682
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 442-8196
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