Dear Ones,
I am writing again for your assistance. We need to raise $20,000 by year end, a relatively small amount. We have already raised the remainder of our goal for 2017.
An exciting project that I just began, reawakened my appreciation for what we have been up to for more than four decades. I am, finally, after 42 years, compiling the archives of the Feathered Pipe Foundation. It started out simple — just scanning the old brochures and photos. But this stroll down memory lane reminds me of just how much of an impact our Foundation has had in the world. I am starting with the first workshop, Judith Lasater's first, when she taught with Felicity Hall Green and Giselle Finch.
The other big project in 1975 was bringing Dr. Frédérick Leboyer to America. Reading that brochure was such a hit for me because I realized that, right from the beginning, we were busy with life-changing work in the world, not just in the US. After Dr. Leboyer, thinking about birthing really changed — he reminded us that birth is a natural event, not just a medical procedure. We had an
incredible first year, offering some of the country's best yoga teachers from established yoga lineages who are still among the finest yoga teachers 40+ years later. You don't have to go to India or learn Sanskrit to study with the best yoga teachers.
As I work through more years of the archives, I’m sure there will be more "aha" moments like this one. It's so important that the work of the Feathered Pipe Foundation
continues. We can’t know exactly what impacts the future, but we know that every instance of positive change is important in the lives of our children and grandchildren.
The world is going through a difficult transition right now, a birthing of sorts. It's up to people like us to identify how we can facilitate this change for the better — and get busy working on those efforts. The future depends on us. I implore you to continue to support our vital work so we can build for the next 20 years and well beyond. Our future work includes offering free retreats to veterans living with PTSD (the most pro-peace folks ever), adding in 2018 a retreat for women veterans (it's important for women vets to have a safe space to heal), and my new effort to help educate women about finances, which you will soon hear more about.
We have always made the effort to do the right thing over the last 42 years, with much of our work and dreams coming to fruition. The two things I resolved to work on right from the beginning were personal growth and food issues. Both turned out to be very important in our lives. It was important in 1975 and it remains so in 2017.
The work really is helping people become conscious. This consciousness brings the strength we all need now to keep vigilant. This inner strength takes root and grows from programs like the ones we offer. I am asking you to help us raise the $20,000 that will allow us to begin 2018 as a healthy, strong Foundation.
Veterans Yoga Project needs your help
Just a quick reminder that if you are a yoga teacher or own a studio, consider taking part in VYP's 2017 Veterans Gratitude Week, November 3 - 12.
Currently over 400 studios/teachers in 46 states have signed up to hold benefit classes to express gratitude and honor our Veterans. VYP is hoping to cover all 50 states - New Mexico, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Louisiana remain - and raise $85,000. Learn more and sign up here.
As Ever,
P.S. - Another incredible way you can support the Feathered Pipe is through signing up for one of our 2018 summer programs and inviting your friends. We are offering two great ways to save, AND they can be combined. Invite a friend(s) new to the Ranch and you each receive $100 off tuition price. And/or pay in full by November 30 for your 2018
retreat and save $100!
The Raspberry Jam Effect – Anne Jablonski
These are times of wildfires, hurricanes, and political chaos unfolding alongside the spellbinding glitter of autumn’s incandescent colors and unfathomably beautiful Beethoven symphonies. Where do we put our attention? How do we unmask the courage to get through these times, engage in meaningful social action, and claim the calm inside the hurricane’s eye?
In the Footsteps of the Buddha: North India Travel Tour - Karma Tensum & India Supera
February 16 - March 6, 2018: On this very special tour we will trace the footsteps of the Buddha from his birthplace at Lumbini, his Enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, his very first sermon at Sarnath to his parinirvana or passing away at Kushinagar. We will seek inspiration and learning from one of the most influential teachers the world has ever had - The Buddha. Regardless of whether one is a Buddhist or not, there are spiritual values and
inspirations that we can take away from every site - the sum total of which can be a journey of spiritual awakening and self discovery.
Contact Us |
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.O. Box 1682
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 442-8196