Just Crazy Enough to Believe

Published: Fri, 11/24/17


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Greetings All,

Winter has settled in at the Ranch for the season with a blanket of snow tucking all in for a much needed time of rest and rejuvenation. Snow came early this year, in mid-September, with a few subsequent weeks of crisp, cool, azure-blue skied days and golden quaking aspens.

That brief respite from the frigid gave us just enough time to get the new water line in the ground. It required everyone pitching in to finish the work just ahead of another incoming winter snowstorm, but we managed to get all of the lines laid! Big thanks to Josh, Winter, Mike, J.B., Chris and the rest of our big-hearted Feathered Pipe family, including all of you who supported us with a generous donation or by attending a retreat this past summer at the Ranch.

We are in the final home stretch of our fundraising campaign with only a little over $10,000 remaining to reach our goal for the year. Your kind giving is such a welcome affirmation that what we have been doing all these years with a small group of 'just crazy enough to believe' committed souls has, and continues to have, an impact on manifesting the world community we know is possible.

Everything that we have created and shared over the years is an expression of love and faith from our communal heart, and emanates from the land itself. These months of hibernation and stillness are essential for the Ranch's own regeneration to prepare for a new season of life and giving.

Please accept our sincere and profound appreciation for your continued support and belief in us.

Share the Holiday Spirit with Feathered Pipe Stocking Stuffers
In the spirit of the season, we are offering a few premiums that might inspire you to give and share the Feathered Pipe spirit with others. We are happy to be offering three one-of-a-kind stocking-stuffer premiums for your kind donation:
  • Our legendary, time-tested Feathered Pipe cookbook
  • A pair of thick, porcelain 'perfect cup of coffee' Feathered Pipe mugs with the Feathered Pipe logo on the front, and long-time, dear friend Lilias Folan's motto "Joy is in the Journey" on the back
  • A colorful, just-right-for-the-baking-season Feathered Pipe apron featuring a tranquil Feathered Pipe Lake Tipi screen-printed image

For a $100 donation, you get your choice of any one of the three premiums. For a $250 donation, you get your choice of any two. And for $500, you get all three premiums. What a deal!

Direct from the Feathered Pipe Kitchen
For those eager to celebrate and savor the holiday spirit in the most festive and flavorful of ways, master chefs Winter and Mike will bake a Feathered Pipe dessert for eight and freeze ship it right to your door. For those whose mouths are starting to water, this along with all three other premiums is available for your donation of $1000.

We hope that the season finds you and your families well, and reminds us all that we truly do need each other, that through communication, understanding and compassion, we are enriched, and enabled to accomplish so much more than we could ever do alone.

Season’s greetings from the Feathered Pipe,

Eric D Myers
Feathered Pipe Foundation

P.S. - Join us at the Ranch next summer. Now is the very best time to get in, as we already have a few programs almost half full! Feathered Pipe Community Discounts - invite a friend(s) new to the Feathered Pipe and you each save $100 (ongoing discount). Pay in full by 30 November, and save an additional $100!

Emulating the Qualities of Water – Shannon Stephens

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, water is the root of life. This idea is reflected in nature and in our bodies. Water governs birth, development, and maturation. It’s is the most yin of all the elements, and there is great wisdom entrenched in it – wisdom in observing, reflecting, and drawing inward. This powerful, life-giving element is one that we can look to emulate each time we practice yoga.


Women of Beauty, Light, and Power: Healing Ourselves and the Earth - Brooke Medicine Eagle & Linda Heron Wind

June 10 - 16, 2018: Come, explore and transform with us! Join legendary Earthkeeper Brooke Medicine Eagle and teacher, licensed psychologist, spiritual director, life coach and mentor Linda Heron Wind — and an amazing group of women — for a week at the Blacktail Ranch exploring the innate beauty and power within us which can move us forward into healthy, joyous, meaningful lives.


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Contact Us
Feathered Pipe Foundation
P.O. Box 1682
Helena, MT 59624
(406) 442-8196
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